Many of us don't drink enough water and most of us confuse thirst with hunger when your body actually needs more fluid. When you feel thirsty, that's a sign that you're already dehydrated. Ideally, you should be sipping water throughout the day, but many of us only drink enough water to satisfy our thirst.
How much water should you drink per day?
There has been many studies as to how much water you should be drinking per day. This also depends if you live in a hot country or whether you work out a lot but generally speaking women need around two litres of water per day which is equivalent to four small 500ml bottles of water and men need about three litres per day which is equivalent to six small 500ml bottles of water.
Are you drinking enough water? If you enjoy your cups of teas and coffees, these also contribute towards your water intake. (Yey! Just don't overdo it with the caffeine.)
How does drinking more water boost hair growth?
I decided to take on a 30 day two litre water challenge, and within the first week of drinking two litres of water per day, my hair already grew 2cm longer, which I think is rather amazing, considering that hair usually only grows about 1cm per month. Results may of course vary from person to person, however, I do feel that my experience was a positive one.
> An adult's body is made up of 50-65% water. When you drink enough water, you're helping your body to function properly and efficiently whilst getting rid of toxins in the process.
> Water stimulates nerve endings on your scalp which help make your roots more active, thus increasing hair growth.
> When enough water is in your body, nutrients are absorbed and distributed throughout your body much easier. Your scalp will benefit from these essential nutrients that are the key to healthy and beautiful hair.